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Raptor™ Faults (OBD)

The blocks in this subsystem are used to define, configure and access OBD application faults.


Block Description Appearance
OBD Counter Definition

This block defines an OBD counter. It is a 16 bit counter which will increment from 0 to 65535 and then rollover to 0. The counter can only be incremented once per drive cycle regardless of the number of times the increment block is executed. The OBD counter can be used to implement the general denominator and ignition cycle counter. This block requires the OBD Fault Manager to be included in the model.

OBD Counter Definition block
OBD Counter Definition block
OBD Counter Increment

This block increments an OBD Counter. The counter can only be incremented once per drive cycle regardless of the number of times the increment block is executed. This block requires the ratio to be defined with a OBD counter definition.

OBD Counter Increment block
OBD Counter Increment block
OBD Counter Read

This block outputs the value of an OBD Counter. This block requires the ratio to be defined with a OBD counter definition.

OBD Counter Read block
OBD Counter Read block
OBD Counter Reset

This block resets an OBD Counter. This block requires the counter to be defined with a OBD counter definition.

OBD Counter Reset block
OBD Counter Reset block
OBD Drive Cycle

This block signals the end of a drive cycle to the OBD Fault Manager.

OBD Drive Cycle block
OBD Drive Cycle block
OBD Ratio Definition

This block defines an OBD ratio. It is two 16 bit counter, numerator and denominator, which will increment from 0 to 65535. When either of the counters increments from 65535, both will be divided in half before either is incremented. The counters can only be incremented once each per drive cycle regardless of the number of times the increment block is executed. This ratio can be used to implement OBD in use performance ratios. This block requires the OBD Fault Manager to be included in the model.

OBD Ratio Definition block
OBD Ratio Definition block
OBD Ratio Increment

This block increments an OBD ratio. The counters can only be incremented once each (numerator and denominator) per drive cycle regardless of the number of times the increment block is executed. This block requires the ratio to be defined with a OBD ratio definition.

OBD Ratio Increment block
OBD Ratio Increment block
OBD Ratio Read

This block outputs the value of an OBD Ratio. This block requires the ratio to be defined with a OBD ratio definition.

OBD Ratio Read block
OBD Ratio Read block
OBD Ratio Reset

This block resets an OBD ratio. This block requires the ratio to be defined with a OBD ratio definition.

OBD Ratio Reset block
OBD Ratio Reset block