Raptor:Fault Definition

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Raptor™ Standard Fault Definition


This block defines a fault and set its status. The Raptor Fault Manager block must exist in the model to use this block. This block has different input, output and parameters depending on the type of fault manager selected.


Parameter Type Description
Fault Name String Defines the name of the fault. Must be a valid C identifier.
Persistent Defines if the fault is persistent (state is remembered through a power cycle).
Sticky Defines if the fault is sticky (must be cleared to stop being active).
X Count Number Input status must be true for this many count out of the last Y to set the fault as Active.
Y Count Number Number of executions to track input status over.
Calibratable X/Y Count Allows the X and Y count limits to be changed in the calibtation tool.
Access Level Sets the access level of X/Y limits in the calibration tool.
Function String Sets the location where the X/Y limit appears in the calibration tool. Use raptor_xcp_function(gcb) to create a function based on the variables location in the model.