Foundation Block Set
Foundation Control Block Set
First Time Block:
The first time block sends a true signal out the first time the subsystem it is in is triggered. All other executions of that subsystem will have this block output a false signal.
Compare To:
The Compare To block allows the user to compare an inputted value vs. the given value in the mask. It will output a true signal when the values match.
Falling Edge:
This block detects a falling edge and outputs a value when it does so.
This block takes the derivate of an inputted signal.
The saturation block takes a min, max and inputted value. It then outputs the inputted signal when it is between the min max. When the inputted signal goes over the boundaries it outputs the min or max values.
First Order Low Pass:
The 'alpha' input is T/t. So when alpha = 1, the block simply passes the input through to the output, and when alpha = 0, the block forever holds its last output value.
Median Filter:
This filter block stores the number of data points that the user requests and gives the median of those values.