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New Eagle > Products Wiki > Raptor Platform > Raptor-Dev


Raptor-Dev is a library of customizable Simulink blocks that allows developers to quickly create custom software for Raptor-compatible controllers and displays. Developers work directly in the Simulink environment with Raptor-Dev blocks as well as native Simulink blocks and features. The Raptor-Dev library blocks facilitate interaction between Simulink and all of the input, outputs, and communication channels of the control module hardware. For example, the Raptor-Dev library includes blocks to read analog inputs or actuate low side drive outputs. The Raptor-Dev library also contains other useful block-sets for many applications, such as OBD fault management and data logging. Even J1939 or Modbus Raptor library blocks are available. Common to all of the Raptor library blocks is that they are easy and intuitive to use. The Raptor-Dev libraries vastly reduce software complexity, speed-up development, and they eliminate the need to understand low-level logic necessary to manage controller hardware.

  • Raptor-Dev Library The Raptor-Dev Library contains essential library blocks for development. Among other things, this library includes blocks to access the hardware I/O (inputs & outputs). Examples of such blocks include analog, digital, or frequency inputs as well as digital, PWM, or H-bridge output blocks. Additionally there are blocks for build configuration, lookup tables, faults, CAN communication, and application monitoring.
  • Raptor-Dev Data Logging Library The Raptor-Dev Data Logging Library allows users to quickly and easily configure data logging to a USB stick on Raptor display hardware.
  • Raptor-Dev Display Library This library is essential for any Raptor display hardware. The library blocks include drawing functions (draw text, shapes, or display images), menu / button interaction definitions, pre-built gauges, and lots of other powerful tools that make display development easy and intuitive.
  • Raptor-Dev J1939 Library This library offers an easy approach to add J1939 support to any existing or new Raptor project. It abstracts all of the complex network management and transmission requirements of the J1939 protocol allowing fast development of a J1939 compatible application. The J1939 Library seamlessly interfaces with the OBD Fault Manager blocks to provide a large number of J1939 Diagnostic Messages. All of the functions required to create an OBD-HD compliant application are included in the Raptor J1939 Library.
  • Raptor-Dev Modbus Library This library takes care of all low-level Modbus protocol details under the hood, so the end-user need only choose which signals he/she wishes to transmit or receive over the Modbus channel.
  • Raptor-Dev Controls Foundation Library This library functions as a general library, with blocks designed for Signal Processing and Characterization (low-pass filter, rate limiter, sensor characterization, deadband and arbitration logic), General Controls Development (PI, PID control, Derivatives, Integrals), and Fault Management (Fault Triggering, Detection).

Sign up for a demo license, with tutorial video and sample Simulink models. If you have MATLAB/Simulink you can complete a demo using the model based display simulator on your PC.

Direct signup link for evaluation


Product Summary User Manual Software

Coming Soon

If you have already purchased a software license, you can download the latest release of the Raptor-Dev software at software.neweagle.net.

Development Tool


Overview Getting Started Programming Raptor Displays Programming Raptor Controllers

Getting Started

For everything you need to help you with your Raptor-Dev installation, visit the Getting Started Guide. If you have already purchased software licenses, and need help viewing, using, or updating your license, see our licensing page here.

Third Party Calibration Tools

While New Eagle's Raptor-Cal offers the most integrated support of typical calibration methodology workflows, we understand that you may already be familiar with a particular third-party calibration tool. As a result, Raptor-Controllers and Raptor-Displays support the industry standard XCP protocol, available in common calibration tools, as seen below.


For a list of common questions and answers about Raptor-Dev, see our FAQ page here


This product is licensed using New Eagle's common licensing infrastructure that supports either a dongle or a software-based node-locked license. For more information please view the Raptor Licensing page

Release Notes

For a list of all Raptor-Dev releases and notes on each release, see our release notes here.

Demo Product

Sign up for a demo license, with tutorial video and sample Simulink models. If you have MATLAB/Simulink you can complete a demo using the model based display simulator on your PC.

Video Introduction

Direct signup link for evaluation

Buy Now

To develop software using Raptor, separate licenses for both the Raptor-Dev base software and the intended hardware target must be purchased. Special application libraries for Raptor-Dev, such as the J1939 library, also require separate licenses.

Note that all available Raptor-Dev libraries, including special application libraries, will appear in the Simulink Library Browser when Raptor-Dev is installed; however, users will not be able to build models with any library blocks for which they do not have licenses.

Customers have access to the latest software releases for a period of 1 year after their purchase. Each software release adds new features and address bug fixes. If customers wish to maintain access to new software releases, they can purchase software and hardware maintenance licenses. Maintenance licenses are valid for 1 year and can be renewed in perpetuity. Software Maintenance licenses allow customers to download the latest releases of software products, such as Raptor-Dev or its associated application libraries. Hardware Maintenance licenses allow customers to access updates to hardware-specific features.

Example 1: A customer would like to use Raptor-Dev Simulink libraries to develop software to control an electric vehicle using the VeeCAN 800. They plan to flash the software on the all-in-one display/controller Raptor VeeCAN 800. The customer purchases one license (P/N: ASM-RAP-001) of Raptor-Dev base software and a second software license (P/N: RAP-SM-DISP-IMX286-036-1402) that allows building models on the Raptor VeeCAN 800.

Example 2: A customer has already been using Raptor-Dev to develop software on a CM0711 controller for two years. Since they purchased a base Raptor-Dev License (P/N: ASM-RAP-001) and appropriate hardware target (P/N: RAP-SW-HCM-5604-036-1303) for the CM0711, there have been a number of new features added to Raptor-Dev as well as specific improvements and new I/O capabilities have been unlocked for the CM0711. The customer decides to purchase the Raptor-Dev Software Maintenance (RAP-SM-001) and the CM0711 Hardware Maintenance (RAP-SM-HCM-5604-036-1303) to access these new features.

All Raptor product family licenses are have options for both USB-based dongles and node-locked licenses.

Base Software

Base Software Part Number Webstore
Raptor-Dev Base Software, Node-Lock RAP-DEV-SW-01 Buy Now
Maintenance Product Part Number Webstore
Raptor-Dev Base, Annual Software Maintenance RAP-DEV-SM-001 Buy Now

Target Licenses

Controllers Part Number Webstore
For BCM48 RAP-SW-BCM-5646-48-1404 Buy Now
For GCM196 RAP-SW-GCM-1793-196-1503 Buy Now
For CM0711 RAP-SW-HCM-5604-036-1303 Buy Now
For CM2115 RAP-SW-HCM-5534-50-1203 Buy Now
For CM3620 RAP-SW-HCM-ARM4-070-1401 Buy Now
For CM3626 RAP-SW-HCM-5534-090-1302 Buy Now
Displays Part Number Webstore
For Raptor VeeCAN 800 RAP-SW-DISP-IMX286-036-1402 Buy Now
For Raptor VeeCAN 320 RAP-SW-DISP-IMX286-024-1204 Buy Now
For Raptor VeeCAN 320 Lite RAP-SW-DISP-IMX286-012-1402 Buy Now

Software Maintenance

Controllers Part Number Webstore
For BCM48 RAP-SM-BCM-5646-48-1404 Buy Now
For GCM196 RAP-SM-GCM-1793-196-1503 Buy Now
For CM0711 RAP-SM-HCM-5604-036-1303 Buy Now
For CM2115 RAP-SW-HCM-5534-50-1203 Buy Now
For CM3620 RAP-SM-HCM-ARM4-070-1401 Buy Now
For CM3626 RAP-SM-HCM-5534-090-1302 Buy Now
Displays Part Number Webstore
For Raptor VeeCAN 800 RAP-SM-DISP-IMX286-036-1402 Buy Now
For Raptor VeeCAN 320 RAP-SM-DISP-IMX286-024-1204 Buy Now
For Raptor VeeCAN 320 Lite RAP-SM-DISP-IMX286-012-1402 Buy Now

Development Kits

These development kits include software, hardware components, and support.

Product Part Number Contents Webstore
Raptor-Dev Starter Kit RAP-DEV-STARTKIT

(1) RAP-DEV-SW-01, Raptor-Dev Base Software
(1) Target License
(1) Raptor-Dev Hardware Kit
(1) Raptor-Cal Software
(1) Raptor-CAN Software
(1) $1,500 Start-Up Support, 1 year duration

Dongle License Available.

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Raptor Platform Starter Kit RAP-DEV-PLAT-STARTKIT

(1) RAP-DEV-SW-01, Raptor-Dev Base Software
(1) Target License
(1) Raptor-Dev Hardware Kit
(1) Raptor-Cal Software
(1) Raptor-CAN Software
(1) Telematics, Gold Global with 1 Year 5 MB Data Plan
(1) Raptor-Test Software
(1) $2,500 Start-Up Support, 1 year duration

Dongle License Available

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Raptor Platform Professional Kit RAP-DEV-PLAT-PRO

(1) RAP-DEV-SW-01, Raptor-Dev Base Software
(3) Target Licenses
(1) Raptor-Dev Hardware Kit
(1) Raptor-Cal Software
(1) Raptor-CAN Software
(1) Telematics, Gold Global with 1 Year 5 MB Data Plan
(1) Raptor-Test Software
(1) $10,000 Start-Up Support, 1 year duration

Dongle License Available

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Raptor Platform Elite Kit RAP-DEV-PLAT-ELITE

(1) RAP-DEV-SW-01, Raptor-Dev Base Software
(10) Target Licenses
(1) Raptor-Dev Hardware Kit
(1) Raptor-Cal Software
(1) Raptor-CAN Software
(1) Telematics, Gold Global with 1 Year 5 MB Data Plan
(1) Raptor-Test Software
(1) $10,000 Start-Up Support, 1 year duration

Dongle License Available

Buy Now

The hardware required to connect your laptop to the controller is found below.

Product Part Number Contents Webstore
Raptor-Dev Hardware Kit

(No Software or Support)



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