Fixed Point Blocks

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MotoHawk:Blocks:Fixed Point Calibration

This MotoHawk® block provides a connection to MotoTune, and allows run-time modification of calibration values with the MotoTune tool. The block behaves in simulation like a Constant block, and accepts any Matlab value as its Default Value, including data-typing casts.

Engineering Value = (Raw Module Value*Gain)^Exp)+Offset

MotoHawk:Blocks:Fixed Point Constant

This MotoHawk® block provides a 16-Bit Fixed Point constant.


MotoHawk:Blocks:Fixed Point Divide

Use This MotoHawk® block to divide two 16-bit integer fixed point numbers.

MotoHawk:Blocks:Double to Fixed Point

This MotoHawk® block converts from a floating-point double to a 16-bit integer fixed point number in a given B-scale.


MotoHawk:Blocks:Fixed Point to Double

This MotoHawk® block converts from a 16-bit integer fixed point number in a given B-scale to a floating-point double.


MotoHawk:Blocks:Fixed Point Interpolation1D

This MotoHawk® block behaves similarly to the native Simulink Interpolation (1-D) using PreLook-Up block. It is used with the MotoHawk Pre-Lookup block. Note that the generated VarDecs will be the entered 'Name' with suffix 'Tbl', and one with the 'Name' if no explicit 'Output Name' is supplied.

MotoHawk:Blocks:Fixed Point Interpolation2D

This MotoHawk® block behaves similarly to the native Simulink Interpolation (2-D) using PreLook-Up block. It is used with the MotoHawk Pre-Lookup block. Note that the generated VarDecs will be the entered 'Name' with suffix 'Map', and one with the 'Name' if no explicit 'Output Name' is supplied.


MotoHawk:Blocks:Fixed Point Label

Use This MotoHawk® block to label Wire with B Number.


MotoHawk:Blocks:Fixed Point Multiply

Use this MotoHawk® block to multiply two 16 bit integer fixed point numbers.


MotoHawk:Blocks:Fixed Point Prelookup

This MotoHawk® block behaves similarly to the native Simulink PreLook-Up Index Search block. It is used to generate an index and interpolation fraction for use with a MotoHawk Look-Up Table (1-D) or MotoHawk Look-Up Table (2-D) block. Note that the generated VarDecs will be the entered 'Name' with suffixes 'Idx' and 'IdxArr', and one with the suffix 'In' if no explicit 'Input Name' is supplied.

MotoHawk:Blocks:Fixed Point Probe

This MotoHawk® block provides a connection to MotoTune, and allows run-time observation of probed values with the MotoTune tool. The Name Source field allows the name to be entered as a Literal, evaluated as a Matlab expression, or it may be inherited from the name of the input wire. If no name is supplied, (Undefined Name) will be displayed on the block.

Engineering Value = (Raw Module Value*Gain)^Exp)+Offset


MotoHawk:Blocks:Fixed Point Scale

This MotoHawk® block shifts a 16-bit integer.