Raptor:DMA Address Space Trigger

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Raptor™ Raptor DMA Address Space Trigger


This block is used with the raptor_j1939_dma_AS_def block to trigger action to be taken when an operation is requested on the custom address space. This block will execute its function call subsystem whenever a read, write or erase is requested in the custom address space for the pointers specified. Multiple address space triggers can be used for a single custom address space.


Output Type Description
Fn Call function call Trigger indicating a DMA request has been received for the address space.
Operation uint8 Requested operation.
Pointer uint32 Address space pointer for the received reqeust.
Length uint16 Length of data.
Data uint8[] Data received with request.


Parameter Type Description
Address Space Name String This is the name of address space being defined.
Pointer Address(es) uint32[] The pointer addresses that will be handled by this trigger block. A vector can be specified to handle multiple pointer addresses with the same trigger block.
Bytes per Item uint32[] Specifies the number of bytes for each item handled by this block. This may be a vector, or a scalar. If a scalar is used then all pointer addresses handled by this block will have the same size.
Read Level(s) uint8[] Specifies the read user level for each item handled by this block. This may be a vector, or a scalar. If a scalar is used then all pointer addresses handled by this block will have the same read user level.
Write Level(s) uint8[] Specifies the write user level for each item handled by this block. This may be a vector, or a scalar. If a scalar is used then all pointer addresses handled by this block will have the same write user level.